and other stimulants - Turkish or Lebanese Coffee

Arabic coffee (Plain)
Clean Adani coffee, choosing the best kind, and roast it
without letting its color turn black.
Grind coffee in a coffee mill. Boil water in a special coffee
pot. After water boils put ground coffee in the boiling
water for about 20 minutes. Have another pot ready into
which pour the clear part of the coffee taking care to leave
the grounds in the first pot. Set this last aside keeping
it covered for another time.
Crush few cardamom seeds and add to the clear coffee in
the second pot. Boil for two or three minutes.
When serving this coffee do not fill the cup more than a
third full if you serve it without sugar. Even if you use
sugar be sure to use it sparingly so that the taste of the
coffee and cardamom will remain the predominant taste.
Note: When ready to make coffee another
time, add boiling water and coffee to the grounds from the
previous time. After having used it twice throw the predominant
Turkish coffee
After cleaning, roasting and grinding coffee as in no. 453,
boil water in a coffee pot. Measure the water for the number
of cups you wish to make. When the water boils, put 1 1/3
tsp. of the ground coffee for each cup of water and a similar
amount of sugar. Boil the coffee well but be careful not
to let it boil over.
As it is ready to foam over, lift it from heat. Repeat this
several times. When pouring this coffee, put a little first
in the bottom of each cup then go back and fill the cups
and serve.
Note: The amount of coffee and sugar may be decreased or
increased according to taste.