Pumpkin Soup
Shourbet ya�teen

Serves: 4-6
Cooking time: � hour plus 1 �hours for Basic Meat
2 � pints (1.25 liters) Basic Meat Broth plus
meat (see page 42)
2 lb (1kg) pumpkin, peeled and sliced
� tablespoon ghee or substitute (see page 22)
1 tablespoon plain flour
Bring the Basic Meat Broth to the boil. Add the
pumpkin and cook slowly until tender � about 30
minutes. Remove from heat. Melt ghee in a small
saucepan and add the flour stirring gently until the
flour begins to brown. Add a little broth to the
flour mixture and stir well. Transfer the flour
mixture to the flour mixture and stir well.
Transfer the flour mixture to the broth and pumpkin.
Pur�e with a strainer or blender, return to the heat
and bring back to the boil. Adjust seasonings.
Serve immediately.