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11:25:35 AM on Friday, 28th March

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Semolina & Yoghourt Slices

Makes: 15 slices
Cooking time: approx 50 minutes

2 � cups semolina
2 cups yoghourt
� cup sugar
� lb (125g) butter, melted
1 teaspoon baking powder
2 cups cool Atter syrup

Mix together the semolina, yoghourt, sugar, butter and baking powder. Spread the mixture evenly in a well greased 25 cm (10 in) baking tray and bake in a 350oF (180oC) oven until cooked through and lightly brown on top � approx 50 minutes.

Remove from the oven and while still hot cut diagonal lines through the cooked mixture to make diamond-shaped slices, and then pour the cool Atter syrup over the top.

Serve hot or cold, either by itself or with Ushta or whipped cream.

Substituted � cup desiccated coconut for � cup of the semolina. Decorate each piece with an almond.



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