Lentil & Rice Pilaf
M�judra Bayda

Serves: 6-8
Cooking time: 1 hour.
1 � cups lentils
2 large onions
1 cup olive or nut oil
6 cups water
2 cups rice, washed and drained
1 tablespoon salt
Prepare and wash lentils as directed on page 16.
Slice onions finely into half circles, place in fry
pan with hot oil and fry until golden brown. Remove
half the onions from the pan and place on absorbent
paper to drain and become crisp. Leave the remaining
onions in the pan.
Boil lentils in the water until nearly tender �
approx 20-25 minutes. Mix in rice and bring back to
the boil.
Reheat the remaining onions and oil in the fry pan
until very hot. Pour them, with the oil, onto the
boiling lentils and rice. Add salt, cover tightly,
turn down the heat and simmer slowly until the rice
is tender and all the fluid is absorbed � approx 20
Serve hot or cold, garnished with the crisp brown
onion slices, if served cold, accompany with a
tossed salad. |