Lahem Mishwi
Meat on Skewers

Serves: 4-6
Cooking time: 10-15 minutes
2 lb (1 kg) tender lamb (preferably from the leg)
or tender beef
� cup olive oil or substitute
4 cloves crushed garlic
1 teaspoon mixed spices
salt and black pepper
4 onions, quartered and split
2 green peppers, cut into 1 in (2.5cm) squares
Cut the meat into 1 in (2.5 cm) cubes, leaving a
little fat on some pieces. Place the cubes in a bowl
and mix in the oil, garlic, spices, salt and pepper,
Refrigerate for one or two hours, but remove from
refrigerator 1 hour before cooking.
Thread the meat, onion and green pepper pieces onto
the skewers alternately. Barbecue or grill them,
basting occasionally with the oil and garlic mixture
left in the bowl. (If barbecuing, a handful of herbs
is often thrown over the fire to give added aroma.)
As soon as the meat is cooked wrap an open piece of
Lebanese bread around the meat to catch the juice
and serve accompanied by Tahini Sauce and Tabbouleh
or other salads.
The skewered meat and vegetables may be cooked
plain, i.e without oil or garlic. |