Oval Kibbi shells

Makes: 6-10 kibbiyet
Cooking time: 10-15 minutes
1lb (500g) Basic Kibbi Mixture
Meat and Nut Filling (optional)
olive or nut oil for frying, or � cup ghee or
substitute or baking
With wet hands mould the Kibbi mixture into balls a
little larger than the size of a golf ball.
In turn hold each Kibbi ball in your left hand and
with the index finger of your right hand make a hole
in it. Work the finger around the hole until a long
thin shell is formed. The shell should be thin and
smooth. Keep hands wet during the procedure and
repair breaks in the shell with wet fingers.
Fill each shell with 2 teaspoons of Meat and Nut
Filling or leave empty. Close the openings with wet
fingers and smooth the shells into oval shapes or
pat them back into round shapes.
Deep fry the shells in oil or bake them in ghee in
an oven tray. |