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3:40:27 AM on Friday, 28th March

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Kibbi B'Zait
Baked Kibbi in oil

1 cup olive oil or substitute oil
2 lb (1kg) Basic Kibbi Mixture

Grease a shallow edged baking dish, approx 12 in x 10 in (30 cm x 25 cm), with olive oil. Place the mixture in the baking dish, pat and smooth down with wet hands until the tray is evenly covered with the mixture 1.5 cm (� in) thick. Make deep horizontal or diagonal lines to form square or diamond shapes in the mixture so the oil can penetrate (see picture below.)

Cover the mixture with a thick film of oil and bake on the center shelf of the oven at 450o F (230oC) for approximately 20 minutes, then move to the top shelf for 10 minutes to brown the top.

This kibbi is delicious eaten hot or cold, wrapped in bread as a snack or accompanied by yoghurt and a fresh green salad.



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