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7:27:06 AM on Friday, 28th March

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Jew's Mallow with Chicken
Melokhiyya Masriyyah

1lb (1/2 kg) Jew's mallow leaves
2lb (1 kg) chicken
10 cups water
1lb (1/2 kg) stewing meat with bones
1 tablespoon salt
1 ½ cups coriander, chopped
1 tablespoon dried ground coriander
1/4 cup ghee or butter
3 garlic bulbs, peeled
1 onion
1/2 teaspoon each pepper, cinnamon
2 tablespoons lemon juice

Serves 7 persons

Draw, singe, clean and cut the chicken into pieces.

Place the chicken pieces in a pot with the stewing meat, bones and onion.

Add 10 cups of water and bring to the boil.

Remove the scum, reduce the heat and cook for one hour. Season.

Wash the Jew's Mallow leaves and spread them on a big cloth to dry.

When completely dry, chop finely using a special knife.

Crush half the amount of garlic cloves with the dried coriander. Add the other half (uncrushed) to the meat and allow to cook in the pot.

Sauté the crushed garlic with the dried and fresh coriander in the ghee or butter. Stir the ingredients until they become soft.

When the meat and chicken are well done, remove them from the broth. Bone the chicken and strain the broth.

Put the strained broth over medium heat in a pot with the stewing meat, the garlic and coriander, lemon juice and the Jew's mallow leaves. Salt to taste.

Allow to come to the boil then reduce the heat and simmer for 5 minutes.

Serve in a large platter garnished with the chicken pieces.

This dish is eaten with cooked rice along with one minced onion mixed in a cup of vinegar.



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