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10:39:25 AM on Friday, 28th March

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Hareessa (Hrisseh)


6 1/2 lbs. lamb meat, taken from the shin or rump plus 10 shin bones.
2 1/5 lbs. bleached wheat (this is done by soaking it in water for an hour than mashing it with a mallet to remove the hull).
11 quarts water.
4 - 5 sticks cinnamon.
Salt and pepper according to taste.


Put meat and bones in a large pot and put half the quantity of water mentioned above. When it starts to boil remove skim then pour out the water and wash meat and bones in cold water. Return bones to the pot and add the remaining half of the water. When it boils for about 15-20 minutes, add the wheat and cinnamon sticks. Boil hard for 15 minutes then reduce heat to medium until wheat is about done. Now add the meat to the pot and raise the heat till it boils hard for a few minutes. Reduce heat to low and cook slowly till meat is done. Add salt and pepper and stir well. (This dish requires much stirring). Remove bones from pot. Pour Hareessa into a bowl and serve hot. Yoghurt may be served with this if desired.



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