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8:15:26 AM on Friday, 28th March

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Green Bean Stew
Yakh�nit Loobeyh

Serve: 6
Cooking time: 2 � hours

1 lb (500g) fresh green string beans
1 lb (500g) stewing meat, cubed
several meat bones
1 � cups onions, chopped
� cup ghee or substitute
1� teaspoon salt
� teaspoon pepper
� teaspoon mixed spices
2 tablespoons tomato paste blended with 2 � cups water or 1 x 15 oz (445g) can tomato soup blended with 2 cups water
2 cloves garlic
1 teaspoon ground coriander

String the beans. Slice down the centre or leave whole.

Lightly brown the meat, bones and onions in the ghee, using the pot in which the stew is to be cooked. Mix in the beans and fry for a few minutes. Add the salt, pepper and mixed spices, then pour in the tomato paste or soup diluted with water.

Bring to the boil, cover and simmer slowly until the meat is very tender.

Crush the garlic with a pinch of salt and fry with the coriander in a little ghee until the garlic smells sweet. Stir this mixture into the cooking stew.

Serve with Rice Pilaf or Bur�ghul Pilaf.
You may substitute peas for beans to make green Pea Stew.



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