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3:14:56 AM on Friday, 28th March

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Fava Beans and Rice
Riz wa Fool

2 lb. shelled fava beans
1 lb. ground lamb meat
4 T ghee [more if you prefer]
2 ½ c rice
Salt and pepper to taste
About 5 c hot water

1. Wash and shell fava beans. Set aside.

2. Meanwhile, in saucepan, fry in ghee the meat, and then, add the fava beans. Sauté the beans until they are limp. Add salt and pepper.

3. Wash the rice until water is clear and soaks.

4. When ready to serve, add rice to meat mixture, mix well and coat the rice. Then, add about 5 cups of hot water, cover saucepan and cook rice until it is flaky to the touch � About 15 minutes on low flame.

Serve with cold yogurt.



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