Bur'ghul & Lentil
M�judra Humra
Serves: 4 -6
Cooking time: 2 hours
1 cup brown or green lentils, prepared and washed
(see page 16)
5 cups water
2 medium onions, cut into fine rings
� cup olive oil
1 cup bur�ghul, washed and drained (see page 16)
1 tablespoon salt
Boil the lentils in the water until soft.
Fry the onions in the oil until very dark brown
(practically black).
Add the bur�ghul to the cooked lentils and bring to
the boil. While boiling slowly add the hot oil from
the onions. Add salt. Cover and simmer slowly.
Set the drained, browned onion rings aside and when
dry and crisp, crush into a paste.
Mix the onion paste into the simmering lentil and
bur�ghul mixture. Continue to simmer until bur�ghul
is soft � approx 1 � - 2 hours. The soup must be
stirred regularly while cooking to prevent it
sticking to the bottom, and boiling water may be
added if required to keep a thick, creamy
consistency .Adjust salt to taste.
Variation: Pur�e the soup and add salt to taste.