Ardeshawkeh Mehshi

1 Ib. ground meat
2 medium onions
½ c pine nuts
4 T tomato paste
Salt and pepper to taste
1. Wash and clean artichokes for stuffing
(remove outer petals and inside fuzz). Set aside in bowl
of water with the juice of one lemon.
2. Meanwhile, fry seasoned meat and onion
in the ghee. When onions are limp, add pine nuts and fry
for 1 more minute.
3. In greased baking dish, set artichokes
hearts one side by side and fill with meat stuffing. Dissolve
tomato paste in about 4 cups of water and pour over the
artichokes. Bake in medium oven 350 degrees for ½
hour or until artichokes are cooked. Serve with rice.